Jeffery Heil

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Co-host (aka "The One Who Had Lunch with Robocop") & Producer

Jeffery Heil lives and works in sunny San Diego, California. He is a father, an educator, education consultant and speaker, podcaster, as well as a hand and foot model. In 2020, he was inducted into the Dad Jokes Hall of Fame. Jeff has a passion for social justice, believes that building relationships with students are imperative, and is obsessed with all aspects of teaching and learning. He, along with Partial Credit co-host Donnie Piercey, co-wrote the seminal book on virtual reality, The Google Cardboard Book (Google has since deprecated their VR viewers but the book lives on in infamy on Amazon). In his spare time, he loves snowboarding, travelling, taking and sharing pictures on social media (#instajeff), and spending time with his daughters. As a former bartender, his claim to fame was serving drinks to Axl Rose and Slash from Guns N Roses and John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin. You can find him on all social media at @jheil65