Eric Curts

Eric Curts Profile Photo

Technology Integration Specialist

Eric has been in education for 29 years, and currently serves as a Technology Integration Specialist for SPARCC in Canton, Ohio where he oversees Google for Education implementation, training, and support, as well as other technology integration initiatives. Eric is an authorized Google Education Trainer and Innovator, and provides training to schools, organizations, and conferences throughout Ohio and across the country. He is a co-leader of the Ohio Google Educator Group at Eric runs the award-winning blog where all of his edtech resources can be found, and is the author of the book "Control Alt Achieve: Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects".

May 25, 2020

Ctrl+Alt+Achieve - The Book! - PC056

Eric Curts, the man behind Ctrl+Alt+Achieve, discusses his new book Control Alt Achieve: Rebooting Your Classroom with Creative Google Projects.

Listen to the Episode
July 15, 2019

LIVE @ Great Plains Summit 2019 - PC035

Jeff, Jesse, and Donnie keynoted the 2019 Great Plains Summit with a LIVE episode! Recorded in Lincoln, Nebraska in front of 400+ educators.

Listen to the Episode
June 26, 2019

Control Alt Achieve on a Raft! - PC034

Eric Curts joins us to discuss maintaining emotional well-being as an educator.

Listen to the Episode